Bible Studies

I'm going to use this blog to journal my way through life. It will help me keep track of prayers, journaling, answers to prayer, praises, spiritual links/articles, books I'm reading, my growth and so on. Maybe it will be helpful to others as well. My goals with this blog are to grow in the Lord, grow as a person, grow as a wife and mother, and grow as a friend. I pray that it will benefit any of you reading as well. Thanks for visiting and sharing my journey :)

Monday, February 8, 2010

Answers to Prayer and Confirmations...

I've been blessed this year and the end of last to have God answer my prayers repeatedly. It is amazing! It is exciting every time He answers me. He truely does care even when I don't think He does. He has given me an answer and then at least 1-2 confirmations of that answer so that I would know for sure what His will is for me. He has used the Bible, books, articles, sermons, friends, family to show me His answers. Even though I'm an indecisive doubter, he still cares enough about me to tell me over and over until I get it! I have found that when I finally give up trying to solve problems myself or wondering what to do, and just give it all to God that He lays answers right in my lap. Praise God that he cares and listens to us!!

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